Q&A’s with Peter Cloven 

Here’s a list of questions that Clayton residents  have been asking me. I’m posting them to the website to share with everyone. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or if you would like to meet with me. Use the contact form or call me at (925) 344-9878.

1.  What do you mean by “inclusive”.  I see other candidates with that same mantra, but it can mean different things dependent upon the person.

Inclusive means engaging with and listening to everybody with respect regardless of political affiliation, gender identification, race, age or socio-economic  position.  I will not delete comments off my Facebook or webpage as some candidates have.  I will respond to questions rationally based on data and research.  I will try to understand where they are coming from and how their views were formed.  


2.  How do you feel about the Olivia project?   

Quite frankly, I don’t like the project as it stands. I would much rather have had the initial project proposed in 2015 that was vetoed during public conversations with neighbors. For the current project,  I don’t like it being 3 stories and I don’t like the lack of parking.  I stated so during my decision as the Chair of the Planning Commission.  However, as Chair my job was to review the project based on the law, zoning and the denial criteria presented by our city attorney.  After numerous hours of effort, I could not find a specific, acceptable reason to deny project as laid out by our city attorney.  Neither could my fellow commissioners who voted “no”.  I joined the planning commission in 2017 and was not involved with prior zoning discussions that allowed for the density for those 3 parcels. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dI_5dxOMZDE&t=9s


3.  How do you feel about the current council’s dealings with Sacramento’s effort to usurp local control; did they do the right thing? 

I don’t feel the current council desires the loss of local control.  I am not aware of specific efforts the council has made to curtail the voluminous legislation that has been forced on cities.  However, I am aware of Julie Pierce’s advocacy for Clayton as a member ABAG to reduce the number of units that have historically been allotted to Clayton as part of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA).  Clearly, the fewer units given to Clayton required to be zoned, the better.  However, the legislation being put forth by housing advocates like State Senator Scott Weiner is designed specifically to take local control away from small cities like ours. The next city council will need to decide on how to advocate on behalf of Clayton and our uniqueness (e.g., no specific employment centers or transportation hubs).


4. Do you know Jeff Wan and Frank Gavidia, and would you work with or against them (and please no canned answer of “doing what is best for Clayton”).

Yes, I know both Jeff Wan & Frank Gavidia.  Jeff recognized the need to disseminate information to the public on “city happenings” through his writings, blog and Facebook page.  I am a frequent reader of his articles and perspective. I know Frank from Mt. Diablo AYSO soccer and from serving with him the past year on the Planning Commission. 

To answer your question, I will work with them, just as I will work with anybody serving or elected to the City Council.  But to be clear, I am fiercely independent.  I will not always agree with them, just as I will not always agree with Tuija and Jim (if re-elected), or anybody else who serves on the city council (e.g., Holly, Glenn or CW).  I have never voted as a “block” with anybody, nor have I been told to do so.  I will do my own research and come to my own conclusions. My decisions will be based on my own research, available data, listening to the public, and making the right decision that makes sense technically and fiscally.  I will work hard to make my opinions known, give the public a voice, and to look for compromises that allows the best path forward. I am sorry if this sounds like a canned “what is best for Clayton” answer.  But truly, that is the reason why I am running.  I LOVE this town and will always do what is best for Clayton.

5. Are you for or against the downtown apartments?

Very simply … I do not want high-density apartments downtown, especially ones that do not comply with our existing zoning and town center specifications.  I am an advocate for Conserving Clayton’s Character and maintaining our downtown as a “gathering place” for our community for many years to come.